Transfer Students

我们很高兴你已经决定转到十大网赌信誉平台食品与营养系. 第一步是决定你要完成我们两个专业中的哪一个. 如果你不确定哪个专业适合你,请按照营养学专业的要求.

Major: Health and Wellness

Major: Food and Nutrition. All incoming students are placed in the FNG concentration.

这篇对营养学专业的描述解释了如何成为一名注册营养师. Click here. 健康与保健专业的描述描述了你如何在营养学的强大背景下成为一名健康专业人员. Click here. Carefully review the required courses for these two majors; they are different, especially the required chemistry and biology courses.


1. 在我注册之前,我如何知道FSU会接受哪些课程?

To begin, you need to look at two documents. 第一份是你在以前学校修过的课程的复印件,第二份是你想转到的专业的课程要求清单. 如果你想转到营养学专业,请点击这里,如果你想转到健康与保健专业,请点击这里.

Then click here for R.A.M.S. (R.A.M.S. is an abbreviation for Records Articulation Management System). 使用搜索功能或点击你以前学校名称的第一个字母. 例如,如果你从米德尔塞克斯社区学院转学,输入米德尔塞克斯. Schools are also listed under the first letter of the school’s name. If your school is not listed, skip to question 4.

Click here for an example of how to read R.A.M.S.

2. 如果我在马萨诸塞州的一所公立高等教育机构上化学课呢?

FSU化学系审查了马萨诸塞州社区学院的所有化学课程, State Universities and University of Massachusetts.

Course Equivalencies for Massachusetts Community Colleges

3. 如果我在马萨诸塞州公立高等教育机构上一门营养学课程会怎么样?


Nutrition course equivalences for Community Colleges.

4. What if my school is not listed in R.A.M.S.?

你的课程需要由该课程的系主任审核. For example, if you took a chemistry course, 化学系主任将决定你的课程是否符合FSU的要求.

The Chair will review your courses on Transfer Advising Day. 网上的描述可能就足够了但是如果你有教学大纲, bring it to transfer orientation just to be sure.

5. Do I have to take math before transferring? If so, what math course should I take?

If you want to enter the Dietetics major, 我们强烈建议你在转学前选修大学代数. 本课程的材料对以后的课程非常有帮助.

If you have not taken College Algebra, 你需要参加一个分班考试来决定哪门课程最适合你. 入学指导办公室会在安排分班考试时通知你.

6. Do I have to attend Transfer Advising Day?

Yes. 转学生在转校通知日当天在校内注册课程. You will be notified of the dates. 如果你没有参加这些课程,你就不能注册. 你参加得越早,你就越有可能在你需要的课程中找到座位.

7. How many years will it take for me to graduate?

The answer to this question is ‘depends’. 大多数转学生来到FSU时,他们的通识教育要求已经完成或接近完成. They do not have their major’s requirements completed. 健康与保健专业的学生可以在两年内完成要求. Dietetics majors tend to take at least three years.

8. Which courses should I take at the community college?

如果你想在社区大学待一两年,然后转到FSU, plan ahead. 仔细考虑哪些课程符合你所选专业的要求, you can decrease the time to graduate from FSU.

If you want to become a Registered Dietitian, 寻找与这些要求相当的课程:NUTR 110营养科学基础, CHEM 107 Principles of Chemistry, CHEM 108 Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis, MATH 123 College Algebra, BIOL 130 Principles of Biology, introductory psychology or sociology, and two sequential writing courses.

一些学校提供解剖学和生理学I和II,可以在FSU转换为BIOL 241和242. Check R.A.M.S. because some A and P classes do not meet these requirements. It is not worth taking only one semester of A and P.


If you want to major in Health and Wellness, look for courses that are equivalent to these requirements:NUTR 110 Fundamentals of Nutrition Science, CHEM 103, CHEM 201, introductory psychology or sociology.

If you want the fitness concentration, you can take the equivalents for BIOL 130 Principles of Biology, and Anatomy and Physiology I and II at your community college. For the Nutrition and Food Studies concentration, 找一门相当于BIOL 142人类生物学的课程(解剖学和生理学I和II通常相当于BIOL 142).)

你可以选修其他符合通识教育要求的课程. We recommend Public Speaking and an American history course. You can also take an introductory language course; this is not necessary if you have had four years of language in high school or are a native speaker.

9. 当我来到转学建议日时,谁会帮我选择合适的课程?

食品和营养学院的老师会在转学时为你提供建议,并检查你的课程. 在FSU剩下的几年里,你将被分配一名顾问,并在每学期注册一个顾问预约,以计划下学期的课程.

10. I need to work to earn money. Can I schedule my courses around my work schedule?

We understand the need to earn money. For students majoring in dietetics, 根据我们的经验,每周工作超过15个小时的学生在他们的课程中表现不佳. Most classes meet for four hours per week; many courses have additional lab hours (chemistry, biology, and two nutrition courses). Most labs are scheduled for the afternoon.


11. Can I take any required courses online or in the summer at FSU?

Yes, 但是每年的课程安排都在变化,所以要和你的指导老师确认一下提供哪些课程.NUTR 110 Fundamentals of Nutrition Science is offered every semester in an online format.